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Monthly Horoscope

Sherri Powell

August 19th Full Moon in Aquarius—opposite Mercury, Square Uranus. This is about staying open minded, flexible and open to change, being caution with communication and preparing for the unexpected! This is a powerful time for breakthroughs if you can manage the instability and use the dynamic energy constructively!! Venus square Jupiter—Virgo/Pisces. Personal matters could be upsetting. Wait before you make a decision. Don’t push! Venus opposite Saturn—Virgo/ Pisces. Might be looking for love but just not the right one has come along? Sun square Uranus Leo/Taurus—Check your work for mistakes. Not going to be in the mood for criticism? Just remember to Breathe!!!!!!

Thanks, Clear View Astrology


Sherri Powell

Updated: Dec 2, 2024

Aries-- I Initiative

Taurus-- I persevere

Gemini I think

Cancer--I feel

Leo--I Lead

Virgo--I analyze

Libra--I balance

Scorpio--I question

Sagittarius--I adventure

Capricorn--I achieve

Aquarius-- I imagine

Pisces--I believe

Sherri Powell

Updated: Nov 30, 2024

Clear View Astrology News Letter December 2024

Happy Holidays!!!!

[November30th -December1st --Sagittarius New Moon. Sagittarius New Moon reminds us that it’s never too late to begin again! The New Moon has a playful energy. If we make up our mind to do something, there is nothing we can’t achieve. Think Big! Look for the silver lining.

The 4th Mercury Retrograde is opposite Jupiter—Watch what you say because some miscommunication and delays might pop up? Mercury retrograde is very intuitive, so our intuition is peaking. Trust your instincts, especially about the timing of things that are happening now!!

The 4th Squares Saturn—A potentially challenging day when we feel tested. Might need to set some boundaries and manage your time and energy this month.

The 5th   Sun conjuncts Mercury Retrograde—This is a power day; this cycle is known as Mercury Cazimi. This is when we start to see a turning point in whatever miscommunication or inner wisdom Mercury Retrograde is trying to bring to the surface. We start to see things with clarity. Be patient. It might take a minute. Remember Mercury is Retrograde!

The 6th   Mars is Retrograde in Leo--Cancer later—This is a critical cosmic event of the year! Mars is going Retrograde and is definitely one of the most consequential retrograde cycles we can experience. Mars Retrograde will help us to redefine how we are choosing to use our energy. It can adjust what motivates us and helps us reorganize and reprioritize what we choose to give importance to. Mars starts in Leo will focus on self-love and our authenticity. When he moves into Cancer, we will focus on home and family. He will be Retrograde until February 23rd 2025!

The 6th and 7th   Venus Conjuncts Pluto. Venus moves into Aquarius where it will align with Pluto. It can bring power struggles in relationships, but can also boost the intensity.

The 7th   Sun opposite Jupiter—Lucky rays may shine upon us!

The 7th   Neptune Moves Direct an rings clarity and new insights! Listen to your intuition!

The 12th   Venus opposite Retrograde Mars 12:12. They are opposite ends of the zodiac wheel and can help us balance our masculine and feminine. Venus helps us slow down and savor what we have achieved!

12th   Day and 12- month gives us 1212, a powerful number of completions.

The 15th   Gemini Full Moon and Mercury direct! – Last Full Moon of the year in the Gemini twins. We are body and soul mortal and immortal together which creates the balance of us.  The Gemini Full Moon represents a powerfully point of completion, so rid yourself of things you don’t want in your life in 2025.

Mercury direct will open up new clarity. Pay attention to your intuition!

The 18th   Sun square Neptune. Neptune has gone direct and is coming into a tense alignment with the Sun. Any lessons or gifts that retrograde was supposed to bring will be brought to the surface now. Trust your intuition and if you have to stand up for yourself, take your rose-colored glasses off for the day and be mindful!

The 19th   Venus trine Jupiter. This energy is wonderful! Good fortune! Do something you love to do! Shine Bright!

The 21st   Winter solstice Sun enters Capricorn. Wow! the Capricorn Season and the Solstice the longest day or the shortest day?  Capricorn Season is time to honor our gifts and celebrate ourselves for all we are. Capricorn gives us the stamina to make it through the holiday and start the new year!

The 27th Venus squares Uranus and this can be a hard time for relationships. Try to stay as low key as possible, and focus on the things you really wish to do.

The 29th   Chiron moves direct—This is a great time to find peace and leave the past behind.

The 30th   Black New Moon in Capricorn. The second New Moon in a month is a Black Moon. This is a great way to start the new year set your intentions. I mean some really big intentions you may surprise yourself by what you can achieve!

Happy New Year! I hope I have given you a Clear View of the month

Thank you with Gratitude,




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