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Monthly Horoscope


April 20th The energy of this conjunction started Mid-March and will last until Mid- May.

Jupiter and Uranus come together about every 14years and they will join Taurus at 21 degrees of Taurus this hasn’t happened since 1941.

Jupiter and Uranus came together in 2010 in Pisces and Aries. From May – October what was going on in your life at that time?

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, abundance, success and fortune. The lucky planet! Jupiter helps us focus on what we really want!

Uranus is the planet of innovation, change, and awakening. It rules over things like technology and advancement that can lead us into a new revolution. On a personal level!

Both planets like freedom and to exploration. This is about thinking for ourselves follow your true self! With Jupiter things can be magical so think outside the box for what you want!

Jupiter and Uranus coming together in Taurus gives us clues in what we might see?! New innovations when it comes to Money, Farming, Food Supply.

This will come to the forefront April 20th a time to think of planting of the seeds. But might have to wait awhile before things get started!

What this means for you- On a more intimate level, Jupiter and Uranus encourage us to begin changing out thoughts about success and Fortune! Become who we really are!

I hope I gave you a Clear View of this Conjunction A Conjunct is planets are very close together or sitting on top of each other.


With Gratitude



Aries-- I am- Initiative Accessible, action-oriented, approachable

Taurus-- I have--Conservation--Resources, revenue, riches

Gemini I think--Versatility--Ideas, inquisitiveness, intelligence

Cancer--I feel--Receptivity--Family, feelings, flow

Leo--I will--Magnetic--Heart, honor, humor

Virgo--I analyze--Discriminating-- Analysis, assignment, assimilation

Libra--I balance--Harmony--Clarity, compatibility, contact

Scorpio--I create-- Intensity--Faith, familiarity, filter

Sagittarius--I understand--Optimism--Beliefs, benefits, bounty

Capricorn--I use-- Ambitious--Achievements, ambition, award

Aquarius-- I know--Unconventional--Choice, community, consultation

Pisces--I believe-- Transcendence--Aid, appeal, awe

  • Sherri Powell

Updated: Apr 2

April Newsletter 2024


April Newsletter 2024


The 1st   Mercury Retrograde in Aries until the 25th!  A highly intuitive time! This is a great time to complete some things you might need to finish. Make sure you’re working on the right things and all should go well!!  All the Res – Redo, Rethink, Repair, React rewards by the end of the retrograde.

The 8th   Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. The New Moon in Aries. The Sign of beginnings. This is a big deal and highly transformative time. This is a supercharged, super activated, super intense New Moon! New Moon starts a new cycle, so the Solar Eclipse magnifies that energy by opening doorways, clearing paths and going in a new direction. Aries is the sign of new beginnings. Look at all opportunities and listen to your intuition. This energy could possibly go on for about 2 months. This is also a North Node Eclipse in Aries, looking forward to see potential for a new chapter.

Solar Eclipse and Chiron in Aries, as well as Sun Moon Venus. Chiron, Mercury Retrograde all in Aries! This will create a strong Aries Energy which will help us to step up, for what we really want and what we are to do? A great time to think outside the box step out of our comfort zone - dream big!!!

If we find ourselves facing challenging or difficult times, the energy will boost our motivation and confidence to get through to find solutions!

Chiron wounded healer is also something we have to look at now. Chiron is an Asteroid which represents traumas and wounds from past and present. Chiron teaches us we can have power, wisdom, and healing from our wounds. If you have been healing your wounds or helping others to heal theirs, now is the time with the Solar Eclipse to move to the next chapter of your healing journey!

Energies of the Solar Eclipse New Beginnings, new paths and new ways to look outside the box and see things differently.

April Highlights

The 20th   Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in Taurus. Excitement and enthusiasm might be presented. New experiences can happen.

The 23rd   Full Moon with Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio. A time to let go of things that we don’t need! Take back your personal power if you feel someone is holding you back!

The 25th   Mercury turns direct!! Time to get started on a new project!

The 29th   Mars conjunct Neptune—Breathe and do the right thing that feels right for you!

The 30th   Mars moves into Aries. Action but are you ready for moving forward? Wait a bit and listen to you intuition! When it feels right, go for it!!!

I hope I have given you a Clear View of this month. Enjoy!

Thank you. If you don’t want this newsletter, please let me know

Thanks Again,


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