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Monthly Horoscope

  • Sherri Powell

August 19th Full Moon in Aquarius—opposite Mercury, Square Uranus. This is about staying open minded, flexible and open to change, being caution with communication and preparing for the unexpected! This is a powerful time for breakthroughs if you can manage the instability and use the dynamic energy constructively!! Venus square Jupiter—Virgo/Pisces. Personal matters could be upsetting. Wait before you make a decision. Don’t push! Venus opposite Saturn—Virgo/ Pisces. Might be looking for love but just not the right one has come along? Sun square Uranus Leo/Taurus—Check your work for mistakes. Not going to be in the mood for criticism? Just remember to Breathe!!!!!!

Thanks, Clear View Astrology



Aries-- I am- Initiative Accessible, action-oriented, approachable

Taurus-- I have--Conservation--Resources, revenue, riches

Gemini I think--Versatility--Ideas, inquisitiveness, intelligence

Cancer--I feel--Receptivity--Family, feelings, flow

Leo--I will--Magnetic--Heart, honor, humor

Virgo--I analyze--Discriminating-- Analysis, assignment, assimilation

Libra--I balance--Harmony--Clarity, compatibility, contact

Scorpio--I create-- Intensity--Faith, familiarity, filter

Sagittarius--I understand--Optimism--Beliefs, benefits, bounty

Capricorn--I use-- Ambitious--Achievements, ambition, award

Aquarius-- I know--Unconventional--Choice, community, consultation

Pisces--I believe-- Transcendence--Aid, appeal, awe

  • Sherri Powell

Updated: Aug 31


Happy Birthday Virgo


 This Month is all about embracing change!  Look for the possibilities that may come your way!! A lot of energy circling around is all about transformation.

We have a Full Moon in Pisces Lunar Eclipse and a Full Moon Lunas eclipse October 17th in Aries! The energy might be quite the same in October as in September?

The first part of the month, we will have Virgo Earth energy. The second half of the month we will be closer to the Eclipse. We need to listen to our intuition and put our foot down and stand up for ourselves.

The Equinox and Sun is moving into Libra where we will need to work on finding balance!

By the end of the month, we might have to let go of something, but we will look ahead to what might be something new coming!

The 1st Uranus Retrograde in Taurus until about January 30th 2025 so reflect and review any recent changes in our lives. The changes we made might not be what we thought we wanted or they are just not working. If there is a surprise, you’re not happy with, you will have some clarity. 

The 1st Pluto Retrograde and Re-enters Capricorn until around November 20th,21st. This is a time to wrap up and bring the culmination that we all have been going through since 2008? A great time to get our ducks in a row and clear a lot of things out of our lives that aren’t working, or your intuition has been telling you what you need to do to move on.

The 2nd Virgo New Moon - This new Moon helps with grounded energy and I think that’s a good thing! This will sure help us to feel more certain about our path moving forward! We just might see the light at the end of the tunnel! The Virgo New Moon is connected to the Pisces Lunar Eclipse. This might help us to know we are on the right path and plant some seeds for us that will blossom in months to come!

The 2nd Uranus turns Retrograde in Taurus. Surprises and change may come?!

The 3rd Mars squares Neptune. Mars in Gemini will square Pisces and this might be an unclear situation and someone could be deceitful - but with Mars you will feel it right away! Mars squares Neptune and this might help us on a deeper Spiritual journey.

The 4th Mars moves into Cancer-- Mars in Cancer. This could be emotional, but you will be able to handle it!

The 7th Mercury square Uranus—Wow the energy is all over the place. Don’t believe everything you hear. Make sure that you have all of your scheduling in writing. Just to make sure you have it all right! Make sure no surprises come your way?

The 8th Sun opposite Saturn—This is all about responsibilities. This can be hard Saturn, the task master, so make sure you’re on top of things and paying attention!!

The 9th Mercury moves into Virgo. Mercury is Virgo rising sign and this can bring harmony and balance for us! Great communication time can be analytically pay attention to details.

The 12th Mercury sextile Mars. Sun Squares Jupiter—Jupiter is Luck and expansion; the Sun is the core of who we are. We might feel that something is getting ready to move forward or expand?  We may feel some tension and this energy may be getting us to move in a new direction, or to finish something we have started?! Ask for what you want!

The 15th Venus trine Jupiter—This is great energy and a great time to connect with the people you love!

The 18th Full Moon in Pisces Lunar Eclipse—This Lunar Eclipse will be very powerful. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse gives us a taste of the Virgo-Pisces Lunar Eclipse cycle for next year. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse may bring some endings if you are dealing with issues at the start of this year. This could be the ending your looking for? Eclipses always put us where we need to be. A wonderful time to listen to our intuition!

The 19th Sun trine Uranus—Sun in Virgo will trine Taurus which brings positive information our way!! A great time to step forward!

The 21st Mercury square Jupiter—Slow down a bit and make sure you’re on the right track!

The 22nd Sun in Libra/Equinox—Happy Birthday Libras—This is a time when we experience equal hours of day and night! The energy is powerful and this can balance focus on creating beauty and you can focus on finances and have some fun with friends!!

The 22nd The Sun trines Pluto and Venus squares Pluto. This is a time for dynamics in relationships. We may step back and take a look at our relationships

The 23rd Venus in Scorpio—A time to learn about what do we really desire. What is your Passion?! You might be surprised?! A good time to find balance in your relationships.

The 26th Mercury in Libra- Mercury trine Pluto. We feel more compassion and more connected to people closest to us. What do we need to complete?

The 30th Sun conjunct Mercury. This help gives us the information we need to move forward!

I hope that I have given you a Clear View of this month.      

With Gratitude,

Thank you!







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